9 Top ideas to post on Instagram to get more followers

9 Top ideas to post on Instagram to get more followers

When we have to post on Instagram on a regular basis, it is really easy to run out of ideas. The basic thing to keep your followers happy & satisfied with you is to upload & share unique content daily. But sometimes, we feel like we have already posted everything or every kind of post in our mind. In this scenario, if you repeatedly post the same boring content, it can annoy your followers. No more worries because we have collected a few amazing ideas for you to post things on Instagram to keep your followers happy as well as to get more Instagram followers i.e. the new ones. Let us get to it.
Running out of Instagram post ideas? Here are a few unique & best ideas for you!!


# Craft your own memes

At present, there is nothing more popular than memes on social media platforms, including Instagram. If you are unable to find an amazing meme to post on your account, you can always craft your own. There are plenty of brands & businesses out there that use this formula to amaze their followers. And definitely, the followers always love the custom memes, especially the ones that hold specifically their favourite brand ambassador.

# Appealing pictures of your own products

Every business or brand post simple pictures of products, no matter what, on their profiles. But, what if you choose not to be ordinary & be creative with this. It is not always necessary to go for the expensive shoots etc. You can simply arrange your product line in such a way that it stands out. For instance, you are selling cosmetics. You can post pictures of yourself or of your friend using & enjoying some specific cosmetic products from your brand.

# Throwbacks

As a professional company or brand, it might seem funny to post your own personal pictures, either from your childhood or adulthood. Contrary to this, the followers always love to know their favourite brand on a personal level. When you post the pictures from your past memories, they adore & appreciate it.

# Video that holds a precious piece of advice

As a business or brand, we always choose to post promotional content on our social media accounts. Sometimes, it might annoy your followers to see promotional posts all the time. In this scenario, if you choose to share a short video having free & valuable advice for them, they will surely love it. The followers will always adore seeing you speaking & communicating with you via videos. It shows that you care for them as well, other than business.

# Share other account’s content

It is not always necessary to formulate the separate unique posts for every social media account. As a brand or businesses, you definitely hold other social media accounts too such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. So, if you are not having enough time, you can take a screenshot from any of your favourite Facebook or twitter posts & post it on Instagram. It doesn’t only save your efforts but also promote your other social accounts.

# Pictures with inspiring quotes

This idea is for the cool typographers out there who have artistic minds. The people always love to read inspiring quotes with striking pictures. But you have to keep in mind that these quotes are not copied otherwise it can harm your repute. The amazing pictures with inspiring quotes are always loved by the people.

# Tutorials

Making tutorials definitely demands time from your end but it is something your followers will really adore. If your tutorials get popular, the people will start sharing them & you will get Instagram followers with time due to this. There are no boundaries for making tutorials. You can choose anything to make short video tutorials you are expert at. For example, if you can do an amazing makeover with easy tips, go for it. If you are an artist & have good command over it, you can do its tutorials as well.

# Show them your pro side

Who isn’t obsessed with workspaces & productivity? If you choose to post your pictures or short videos showing your followers your office setup, they will definitely love to see this. It doesn’t need to be much organized or professional. You can capture the mess of your notes along with laptop & a mug of coffee and pens stretched down. If you choose not to organize the things at all, your followers will still love it.

# Countdowns

The last but not the least idea is to post countdowns if you have some product or an entire product line to launch soon. You can post everything with the number of days left along with simple but catchy captions. It for sure builds excitement in your existing followers. Other than this, it doesn’t let them forget about this & you also get new Instagram followers for your amazing launch.
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